The young scientists best oral and poster presentations

A jury composed of prof. Ronan McGrath of University of Liverpool, dr. Magdalena Wencka of Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, and prof. Marc Armbrüster of Technical University of Chemnitz has selected the best oral and poster presentations of young scientists, two for each category.

The young scientist best oral presentations:

Mrs. Ahowd Yousef Alfahad, University of Liverpool,
for the presentation entitled “Surface structure of In3Ni2 intermetallic compound

Mr. Federico Mazza, University of Vienna,
for the presentation entitled “Scrutinizing the phonon Kondo effect in intermetallic clathrates

The young scientist best poster presentations:

Mrs. Priyanka Reddy, University of Zagreb,
for the presentation entitled “Surprising magnetism of murunskite

Mr. Michael Sannemo Targama, Stockholm University,
for the presentation entitled “Crystal growth and thermal characterization of intermetallic compounds in the Yb-Au-Sn system


