The ECMetAC Days 2023 main event will be preceded by a Workshop Innovative Researcher: End-User Approach for Scientific Project Designing, dedicated to young and mature members of our network. This year we shall also adopt a Design-Thinking approach to reinforce our performance in the field of science. The Workshop will be organized by Dr. Magdalena Wencka, the leader of the Research Activity Domain “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Materials Science”. You may find more information here.

The Workshop will take place on Monday, 27th November, from 14:30 to 18:30. For the Workshop participants who need to travel to Kranjska Gora for logistic reasons already a day before (on Sunday 26th November), the ECMetAC budget will cover their accommodation expenses (bed and breakfast for the night 26/27 Nov.). All Workshop participants are also invited to attend the lunch before the Workshop start (on Monday 27th Nov. at 13:30 at the conference site). Participation at the Workshop should be registered via the Registration Form. The Workshop participants who will spend the additional night 26/27 Nov. in Hotel Kompas are asked to guarantee their presence by a credit card, which will be used to cover the one-night accommodation costs only in the case of no-show. For the credit card details, the Organizing committee will contact those participants individually (to send the information via fax, in order to avoid possible abuse by a third person).





